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The WISE Warrior School is online hatting on DISSEMINATION for WISE members presented by an experienced disseminator as a hat write-up, thoroughly supported with LRH references which are provided. It has no further authority than advice. It is made up of 9 videos on average an hour long, each constituting one lesson. To participate, please attest that you agree to the following stipulations:
1. Each lesson must be viewed together with at least one other person who is assigned as your “twin”. A three-way “twinship” is permitted.
2. Ideally one should watch each video all the way through, but breaks are permitted. We would rather you view them over days than not at all, but
best is that you set aside 90 minutes or so to complete the lesson and do the drills.
3. After each lesson it is mandatory that you read the references and DO the drills called for in the lesson. That is why you need a twin there with you IN
PERSON when studying them. If you do not intend to do the drills, don’t waste your time watching the videos. You can, of course, view them later
on your own. BUT YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THESE BEST BY DRILLING. You would not hope to be a great anything without drilling. Skill as a
disseminator is achieved like anything else, with practice. KEEP DRILLING!
4. You and your twin(s) must be WISE members. Any level of WISE
membership qualifies you.
5. You may not download or copy any part of any of these videos, nor may you pass a link to these videos to anyone else without explicit permission
from WISE East US.